LiteSpeed enabled server vs Apache + LiteSpeed plugin +


I'm new to Litespeed and while testing it out I came to conclusion there are (generally) 2 options of using it:
1. Litespeed enabled server + Litespeed plugin (e.g. Wordpress)
2. no Litespeed on server + Litespeed plugin + (also Wordpress)

As far as my understanding goes the final result of both scenarios should be the same - minifying, combining and caching. Is that correct? If so, what is the difference between the two and how would one decide to go with option 1 or option 2? What are the advantages of having a Litespeed enabled server?

Thank you,


Staff member
Hi Grega,

For Quic.Cloud services, it will apply different free quotas. For example,
Account with Apache + WP + LSCache + Quic.Cloud will apply free 1GB CDN traffic per month.
Account with LSWS + WP + LSCache + Quic.Cloud will apply free 10GB CDN traffic per month. Since LiteSpeed supports http3, you can turn on the "Enable QUIC Backend" feature too.
Check for more information.

thanks for quick reply. I've been away for the past few days, so here are my thoughts:
besides the different quotas and http3, is the below equation valid performance wise (minification, aggregation, cache):
Apache + WP + LSCache + Quic.Cloud = LSWS + WP + LSCache

If the equation passes my conclusion would be for sites with low traffic the Apache with Quic.Cloud would do just fine while for larger sites with more traffic a LSWS would be suggested. I'm talking sites for local audience where CDN is not needed.

However using Quic.Cloud I see the TTFB and download times increase by about 20-30%. This is probably due to my server being closer than the cloud one.
