Litespeed & JCH cache plugin issue

I have tested without litespeed and it loads fine. Once i clear the cache of my phone browser history and it doesn't load the site js and css.


Well-Known Member
I don't know the cache plugin for Joomla, but every cache plugin for LSCache should have a function to exclude URLs from being cached, so check the plugin if there is such function. It should be found in TAB "Exclude Rules"


Well-Known Member
If this plugin works like I expect and if you exclude the file, that is responsible for combining css and js files, caching works like it should, but without caching the file for combining and the plugin can do its job. If excluding this file from being cached within LScache plugin doesn't work a response header with a specific cache control define must be added into the code of this plugin for combining .css and .js files.

I have a similiar function in my applications and it works like explained.


Well-Known Member
If you don't know what and how to do, contact plugin manufacturer and ask him where to add this header in plugin code. This single line of code makes JCH compatible with LSCache.

header('X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: no-cache');