LS cache + joomla back-end strange things


I have enabled LS cache plugin on joomla + host server is correctly configured.
But I have found some strange behaviors:

1) on EXCLUDE TABS : inside Exclude URLs field , I add this url to exclude administrator/index.php?option=com_opencart but when I save, URL added is cleared and plugin seems to be disabled. I did a video here :

2) I using Open Car eCommerce thrid party extension, and from website back-end, when I modify a product price, the modification is not totally reflected on website front-end. I saw there is a specific ls cache plugin for open cart, is it mandatory to use it?

3) how to say to LS cache to exclude joomla back-end urls for caching?

LScache does not cache backend pages. Only frontend.
Thus inserting your backend link as an 'exclude' page would make no sense.
You need to insert the frontend link to the Opencart page in the 'exclude' option if you want to exclude that.