strange 404s


Well-Known Member
Well I got it asll running, thought all was fine until a customer messaged me saying they have a 404 while trying to go to their forum. the link, which shows on apache

I havent got to check all my vhosts, I have over 450 but I will try to tonight. Ive searched i here and all i could find was about mod rewrite rules and in that forum directory there is not even an htaccess file.

But you can access the directory via the subdomain

I dont guess its that big of a problem, Ill just have to make people aware. it seems ok on regular directories just ones with subdomains do this. Know any way around this?


LiteSpeed Staff
I knew what's wrong, please check /usr/local/apache/conf/mod_security/exclude.conf
, if you have that file, please comment out the <locationMathch "/index.php"> section. If not, search for <locationMathch "/index.php"> in other Apache configuration files and comment it out.