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  1. A

    Add ability to specify custom HTTP Header for Client IP in GeoIP

    This is specifically for Litespeed processing GeoIP into the HTTP request headers. Depending on how your website it setup, the IP header being used by Litespeed for GeoIP isn't necessarily the client IP header. In our case, it is often a proxy IP (CDN middleman) with the client IP being...
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    [solved] lsphp-5.2 Crashing for Missing Deps

    Hi there, I have setup a small VM with a Litespeed enterprise license on it. The VM runs Fedora 15 x86_64. PHP and Lsws compiled and installed properly. When I call PHP, however, I get no response at all. Running the lsapi process thru strace ends in: It references
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    GUI Error in 4.1.3 w/ Symlinked httpd_config.xml

    Hi there, I just noticed that all of my Litespeed 4.1.3 web servers are giving generally the same error when I try to do anything requiring it to access httpd_config.xml except on the General page. /usr/lsws/conf/httpd_config.xml is a symbolic link on all of our web servers. The file is...
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    Set Cookie via Rewrite Rules

    Hi there, Not sure if this would be considered a bug or a feature request, but to offer the benefit of the doubt we'll go with feature request :) In the mod_rewrite documentation for Apache 2.2 there is support for setting cookies using rewrite rules. [see...
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    Connections Issues in 4.1 Gold

    Hi there, As you may know, I run a CentOS-based web cluster utilizing Litespeed on all of our backend nodes. A couple weeks ago I upgraded all of our Litespeed servers from 4.0.19 to 4.1. First, the minor issue - 4.1 keeps informing me that a new version is available (4.0.20). Next, the...
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    [solved] Allow VH to Inherit Server logFormat Setting

    Hi there! I am running Litespeed 4.1 Gold in a load balanced environment. While the load balancer supplies the remote client IP address in its own header, Litespeed logs using the default Remote Host header which is that of the load balancer. This makes the standard combined format logs...
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    4.0.19 - Server Config and Symbolic Links

    Hello! With 4.0.18 you included the ability to omit an entry for the server name variable in httpd_config.xml. LSWS uses the environment $HOSTNAME variable to set it when this happens. With this change I moved the location of the central httpd_config.xml file from /usr/lsws/conf to...
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    Litespeed Server Config Variables

    I am setting up a load balanced Litespeed cluster and am sharing configs across all of the web servers to simplify maintain the configuration across the cluster. While trying to do this I have come across a need to find out what server variables are offered by Litespeed. I've checked the...