Search results

  1. M

    Check cpu load.

    Hi, How can I check number of cpu cores used by LSWS? Regards.
  2. M

    LSWS + Varnish on cpanel

    Ok, great - I will try it. Thx.
  3. M

    LSWS + Varnish on cpanel

    Thx for reply. Hmm so is not possible to use LSWS with VARNISH? Varnish can use RAM MEM for caching - this is very important to save disk i/o. What about LSWS caching?
  4. M

    LSWS + Varnish on cpanel

    Hi, We have LSWS + Varnish on cpanel. LSWS is listen on port 8080 and Varnish is listen on port 80. A lot of websites have problem with adding port 8080 to url when reload website oraz click dynamic generated links like in phpBB or something like this. I think that good idea is listening LSWS...