Refresh cache from product ID with cURL


I use a product manager to upload my product from my ERP.
After i upload the prices and stocks, the product page is cached and dont show the changes.
I need to refresh the cache of some products with its ID, like in the admin page.
Is there any URL, that I can call from cURL, for example, to refresh this.

Thanks a lot.


Well-Known Member
Is there any URL, that I can call from cURL, for example, to refresh this.
Basically yes, but it is no good idea only to "refresh" the affected product page(s). Information about a product can be displayed everywhere in an online shop?! Did you consider that?
Right, I hadn't thought about category pages and others. Still, it could refresh all the cache content since the updates are done at night.
Could I make some call to refresh the entire cache? Cron, curl..
Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
If you have no other application with LScache running you can purge the entire cache with a blank PHP file. Place this file with a filename of your choice whereever you want and add code below into this file.

Execute this file in your browser and the complete cache on your server will be purged. If you have more applications with LScache running and if you want to purge the cache only generated on a specific domain, purging must be done on other way.


Well-Known Member
Could I make some call to refresh the entire cache? Cron, curl..
you can
like in this post
if you want purge cache on some urls then replace "-X GET" to "-X PURGE" than renew cache again by "-X GET"

if you use LSWS then LSWS support "-X REFRESH" command
and also LSWS contain /admin/misc/purge_cache_by_url to refresh/purge by url