Can lsws check directory and php script permissions?

I am currently trying to secure lsws in a shared environment and have used the Required Permission Mask and Restricted Permission Mask for static files to lock them into being served only if static files are between 444 and 644 permissions. My question is twofold, the first aspect pertaining to applying the mask to .php extension files. What I am trying to achieve is suPHP style permissions checking so that php files are only served at 444-644 perms, basically I would just need a way to apply the static masks to the .php extension. Is this possible? Second question is on directory permissions checking, is it possible to apply a restricted permission mask to directory permissions like suPHP does? e.g. - if the directory is 777 do not serve content out of it. Please let me know if anyone has a way to do this natively or if there is any alternate workaround.

Thanks in advance!