Search results

  1. AndrewN

    Install and configure fail2ban in plesk

    I would like to install fail2ban on plesk server, How to be done and configure with recommended settings and options?
  2. AndrewN

    Lietspeed configuration ?

    How to integrate litespeed with cPanel managed websites to load faster ?
  3. AndrewN

    How Do I install LiteSpeed + LSCache on WHM ?

    How to install and update the license for LiteSpeed (Max 8GB)+LSCache on WHM server ?
  4. AndrewN

    Litespeed license key update ?

    How Do I manually update the litespeed license key ?
  5. AndrewN

    Install SSL/TLS certificate in Litespeed ?

    How can I install SSL certificate for domain in litespeed, what all steps to taken for SSL installation process on Litespeed ?
  6. AndrewN

    Maximum cache object size?

    What should be the maximum size of an object that can be stored in the cache directory ?
  7. AndrewN

    Enable server security audit ?

    Can we track the actions on particular user ? How Do I enable Server Audit Log?
  8. AndrewN

    LSCache Optimization ?

    How to optimize wordpress site using LScache ?
  9. AndrewN

    LiteSpeed Installation requirements ?

    May I know the requirements of installing LiteSpeed on VPS service ?
  10. AndrewN

    [solved] How do I change Litespeed password?

    Could you please help me to change the litespeed password ?