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  1. T

    CustomLog in a RoR site?

    Hey guys, How would I go about adding a custom log like so for my RoR site: CustomLog /path/logs/popularity_log "%{_session_id}C %U" I thought I would put it in the "Apache Style Configurations" but it doesn't like it being there. Thanks!
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    FileMatch not working?

    Hey guys, I am migrating some sites from an Apache environment where the following worked in my .htaccess... <FilesMatch \"test.html$\"> Order deny,allow Deny from all </FilesMatch> Doesn't seem to in LS. Anything special I need to?
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    Embed inline Ruby & HTML?

    Hey guys, I am currently using eruby + Apache to use embedded Ruby like so: This text is <% a = 100; puts "#{a}% Live!" %> This is NOT a Rails site, just HTML with inline Ruby. I found out about it while reading through the Pragmatic Programmers guide here...
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    Changing "upload_max_filesize" in php.ini has no effect

    Hey guys, Any idea why when I change the "upload_max_filesize" variable in my php.ini it has no effect on a PHP vhost? **Edit, actually, same goes for the "upload_tmp_dir" variable. No matter what I change these to, they are not reflected in my php info script. I am editing...
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    Easy RoR & mod_rewrite...

    Hey guys, I have an easy RoR template site setup and would like to apply a mod_rewrite rule to redirect some urls to other pages on the site. I would like to use the .htacess to do this since the site isn't going to be deployed on a LiteSpeed server so I can't use the rewrite tools...
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    3.2.3 fails to start...

    Hey guys, 3.2.2 works perfectly but upon trying to upgrade, I get this error: ./lshttpd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [ERROR] Failed to start lshttpd! Obviously it's because I don't have the newer version...
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    Command line utility to add new vhosts?

    Hey guys, Just wondering if there is a command line method of adding vhosts. Thanks!
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    Custom cPanel mime-types keep getting reset

    Hey guys, I have no idea what is going on here... I add a new mime-type in cPanel, and it works. Later, I come along, and even though my mime-type is present in the cPanel list, LiteSpeed is defaulting to the original mime-type that was causing us issues. I *think* it's happening after a...
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    Difference between using the pre-built Ruby vhost template and disptach.lsapi?

    I have noticed much better performance when using dispatch.lsapi rather than the RoR vhost templates, and was just wondering why the templates don't use dispatch.lsapi. Is there a drawback to it that I don't realize? Thanks!
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    Hide certain types of files?

    Hey guys, Just wondering the easiest way I can go about hiding some files... In my case it's some of OS X's invisible files like, :2eDS_Store. What would be the easiest way?
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    Setting the vhost root to /home/user doesn't work...

    I am trying to set up a new vhost and am attempting to use the phpSuexec template. Upon entering the details, and the root folder as "/home/user/Public" I get an error: Warning: is_dir() []: Stat failed for /home/user/Public (errno=13 - Permission denied) in...
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    Symlinks just don't seem to work...

    Hey guys, I have created a symlink inside one of the phpSuexec sites and no matter what, I can't seem to get it to work. "Follow Symlinks" is on, and the two folder (vhost root and user directory) are both owned by the same user and group. If I enable Indexes, I can see it, but upon...
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    LSAPI_MAX_IDLE doesn't seem to stick...

    Hey guys, I would like my dispatch.lsapi processes to stay idling for longer but no matter how high I set the LSAPI_MAX_IDLE value, they seem to die off after 2 minutes or so. I have this set in my Server config, but should this also be set in the Vhost's External App settings? Thanks,
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    Configuring a RoR app w/ Mint...

    Hey guys, I have a working RoR app and dumped Mint insde /public. Then I setup a context to get the working and all (to my suprise) is good so far. It even runs the PHP properly :) Here's the catch. Mint says to append the following to your .htaccess, so I did but it's not...
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    Is the LiteSpeed Ruby LSAPI my best choice?

    Hey guys, I've been using the LiteSpeed Ruby LSAPI and it works very well. Here's my question though, in another Apache environment I am really enjoying Mongrel and was wondering, with LiteSpeed, has anyone ever done any performance testing with different servers like Mongrel? This just an...
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    How do I add users to authentication realms?

    Hey guys, maybe I am blind but how do I add users to my newly created authentication realm? Thanks!
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    How do I imlement PHP_LSAPI_CHILDREN?

    Hey guys, I recently installed Litespeed and PHP 5 (w/ APC) as per the how-to's on the site here, and wow, I love the performance! I was wondering if I should implement PHP_LSAPI_CHILDREN instead of the default way Liltespeed dishes out PHP processes. I was unclear the real benefits of...