
  1. S

    How to create wildcard subdomain?

    I have CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed, I want to create a wildcard subdomain but it is not working. I have created DNS A record with * but it is not working. How to create it? And when I try to create subdomain with *, I get invalid domain error.
  2. B

    [SOLVED] After activating LiteSpeed in CyberPanel, "Error" appears instead of my site

    Hello, I am using CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed, Joomla 3.10, PHP 7.4, and Cloudflare. I am attempting to test the ESI feature of Joomla by clicking on the 15-day trial of LiteSpeed Enterprise. After doing so, my website displays "Error" with no specific error number. I noticed that when I do...
  3. Master3395

    MIME type [application/x-httpd-php] for suffix '.php'

    Every now and then i get this type of error in the logs on my OpenLitespeed setup with CyberPanel. Sometimes it shows up for PHP 7.4 and sometimes for 8.1 and 8.2 Not sure why. Php 7.4 is what i mostly use. Any advice? I saw other forum posts, but I have already tried such. MIME type...
  4. P

    Listener for _default_ is not available

    Hi there, 1. I just set up a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 VPS. 2. I have installed LS and CyberPanel via: sh <(curl || wget -O - 3. I have not setup anything else on the server so far. But I still see the following in the LS server...
  5. P

    User, groups and permissons

    Hi there, I have some questions in regards to the proper configuration of LiteSpeed (and CyberPanel): 1. Default LiteSpeed is running as user(nobody) : group(nobody) - do I need to change this? 2. What is the proper user, group and permission to set to the a web-site folder ( including...
  6. Defacto

    How do I import a VH in Cyberpanel?

    How do I import a VH in Cyberpanel that was previously configured through the LSWS Admin console?
  7. N

    Drupal broken images

    My problem is that drupal web site can not create image styles so i can not preview any image in the web site. The images look broken. I cahnged the file permision to 777, then 775 i tried almost every way but couldn't solve my problem. I think there is rewrite problem but i couldn' find...
  8. M

    error 500 afer fresh install when accessing to litespeed web ui

    Hello, I got a problem after a fresh install of cyberpanel + litespeed ent bundle v2.1.1 on centos 8 (on a vps) : error 500 on connecting to ip:7080 even with 7080 port opened in cyberpannel firewall. (I have do a netstat and 7080 is listening right) According to...
  9. F

    Error 520: Web Server is returning an unknown error CyberPanel

    Hello l am getting this error 2020-06-01 07:26:03.927440 [NOTICE] [AutoRestarter] cleanup children processes and unix sockets belong to process 414528 ! 2020-06-01 07:26:04.000066 [NOTICE] [AutoRestarter] child process with pid=414529 received signal=11, a core file is created currently using...
  10. sibipaul

    How to Update Server and Essentials After Installation?

    Hello, dear Litespeed and it's fans... I'm a Litespeed Ent + Cyber Panel Ent user My Server is a 4 CPU with 8GB RAM. I installed and configured my server few months ago... Now, I wish to have the latest version of CentOS and all the software. So, I Opened my SSH and RUN sudo su - yum -y...
  11. sibipaul

    Litespeed Show Webpage and OLS Show 404 Error While Browse to IP

    Hello, For a Test and Comparison... I created Two Digital Ocean Droplets. First One is Centos + Litespeed Ent + Cyber Panel and the second one is Centos + OLS + Cyber Panel Once the Installation Completed through SSH, I rebooted both servers. Then, I Logged in on Both Using its IP:8090...
  12. sibipaul

    Can I Get Mails from LS Ent Installation?

    Hello, I Installed Litespeed in AWS Instance. I know, if I create A WordPress Site and Use a Plugin for SMTP Setup, Then I can Get or send emails from my site to users and notification to admin. But, That's Under the Particular WordPress Installation Only. That WordPress is in the Litespeed...
  13. sibipaul

    How to Login to PhpMyAdmin in Litespeed Server?

    Sir, I have Installed Litespeed in My AWS EC2 Instance Installed Litespeed Server Through SSH Able to Login to The CyberPanel Using https://ip-address :8090 But, I want to Login to PhpMyAdmin When I Open https://ip-address :8090/phpmyadmin/index.php A Login Page Shows, and Asking me to...
  14. sibipaul

    Best Practice to RUN Litespeed + Cyber Panel in AWS EC2 Instance

    Hi, I am New Here... I slowly Learning Things. I wish to Share Things which I Learned here... Here You Can See The Method, I used in AWS for All My Instance. Slowly I am Changing All My Sites to Litespeed. Without wasting any time, I am here posting the steps which I do in AWS. 1 - Launch...