
  1. lclarke

    LiteSpeed Plugins v2.1.3.3 for cPanel and v4.1.8 for WHM Now Available

    Announcing: LiteSpeed Plugin for cPanel v2.1.3.3 and LiteSpeed Plugin for WHM v4.1.8 cPanel RELEASE LOG: [Improvement] Added support for the handling of international domain names. WHM RELEASE LOG: [Update] Upgrade cPanel plugin to v2.1.3.3...
  2. lclarke

    LiteSpeed Plugin v4.1.7 for WHM Now Available

    Announcing: LiteSpeed Plugin for WHM v4.1.7 (bundled w/cPanel plugin v2.1.3.2) RELEASE LOG: [Improvement] Improved timezoneDB extension detection logic. [Improvement] Added additional filtering and improvements to "latest WHM version" retrieval logic. [Improvement] Added additional filtering...
  3. lclarke

    LiteSpeed Plugin v4.1.6.3 for WHM Now Available

    Announcing: LiteSpeed Plugin for WHM v4.1.6.3 (bundled w/cPanel plugin v2.1.3.2) RELEASE LOG: [Bug Fix] Address issues with timezoneDB extension detection. https://www.litespeedtech.com/products/litespeed-web-server/control-panel-plugins/release-log Cheers!
  4. lclarke

    Web ADC ZeroConf Plugin v0.7.4 for WHM Now Available

    Announcing: Web ADC ZeroConf Plugin for WHM v0.7.4 RELEASE LOG: [REFACTOR] Remove dependency on Scalar::Util::Numeric https://www.litespeedtech.com/products/litespeed-web-adc/release-log Cheers!
  5. lclarke

    LiteSpeed Plugins v2.1.3.2 for cPanel and v4.1.6.2 for WHM Now Available

    Announcing: LiteSpeed Plugin for cPanel v2.1.3.2 and LiteSpeed Plugin for WHM v4.1.6.2 cPanel RELEASE LOG: [Improvement] Better conf file handling during installation. WHM RELEASE LOG: v4.1.6.1 ------------------------ [Update] Upgrade cPanel plugin to v2.1.3.2. [Improvement] Re-enforce...
  6. lclarke

    LiteSpeed Plugins v2.1.3.1 for cPanel and v4.1.6 for WHM Now Available

    Announcing: LiteSpeed Plugin for cPanel v2.1.3.1 and LiteSpeed Plugin for WHM v4.1.6 cPanel RELEASE LOG: [Bug Fix] Address a custom Perl API script bug preventing the execution of escalated commands. WHM RELEASE LOG: [Update] Upgrade cPanel plugin to v2.1.3.1...
  7. lclarke

    LiteSpeed Plugins v2.1.3 for cPanel and v4.1.5 for WHM Now Available

    Announcing: LiteSpeed Plugin for cPanel v2.1.3 and LiteSpeed Plugin for WHM v4.1.5 cPanel RELEASE LOG: [Improvement] cPanel Jupiter theme support. [Bug Fix] Address cPanel paper_lantern theme compatability issues introduced in cPanel/WHM v100. WHM RELEASE LOG: [Update] Upgrade cPanel plugin to...
  8. lclarke

    LiteSpeed Plugin for WHM v4.1.3.1 Now Available

    Announcing: LiteSpeed Plugin for WHM v4.1.3.1 RELEASE LOG: [Bug Fix] Saving cPanel plugin settings before installing the cPanel plugin itself should no longer fail. https://www.litespeedtech.com/products/litespeed-web-server/control-panel-plugins/release-log Cheers!
  9. lclarke

    LiteSpeed Plugin for cPanel v2.1.2 and WHM v4.1.3 Now Available

    Announcing: LiteSpeed Plugin for cPanel v2.1.2 and WHM v4.1.3 RELEASE LOG: Both plugins, bundled together: WHM [Improvement] Display an update notice when a new plugin version is available. [Improvement] Improved some plugin/message text. cPanel [Improvement] General improvements...
  10. V

    Litespeed Plugin Expired On WHM And Apache Not starting

    I tried the litespeed cache plugin for WHM The licence is expired and now the problem is Nither Litespeed is working and no Apache going to start. Here is the log Aug 19 07:25:05 server.mydoamin.com systemd[1]: Starting Apache web server managed by cPanel EasyApache... Aug 19 07:25:05...