500 error/website not loading after purging caches...unless I change to another PHP version


Apologies if this is a basic problem, but I am quite new to LS and caching etc.

As the title suggests, I am having some issues after purging caches in the LS plugin settings. After turning on CSS minify in the page optimisation panel, I followed the instruction to do a Purge All action. However, I am now facing a 500 error and my site not loading, unless I change the PHP version, which resolves the issue. If I try to return to PHP v8.2, the problem reoccurs. The problem also occurs if I try to select 'edit in Elementor' via the dashboard, whilst on PHP v8.2, which leaves me with a 500 error message.
The site was loading fine until I used the purge actions.

Does anyone know how to fix this error, which seems to be a PHP-specific problem?!

Thank you for any advice/info, it is much appreciated.
