CloudLinux, Litespeed Enterprise 404 not found on virtual host

Hi All,
I have setup a new server on linode with Centos 7 which was then converted to CloudLinux. I installed CageFS and set it up, then installed litespeed. The default virtual host works a treat but the second virtual host I have setup produces a 404 error with the following on the server log.
2018-02-05 08:08:10.162827 [INFO] [] File not found [/home/corstocart/public_html/index.html]
2018-02-05 08:08:10.162874 [INFO] [] Cannot found appropriate handler for [/index.html]
LS output
[root@corsto2 logs]# ls /home/ -l
total 8
drwx------ 5 corstocart corstocart 4096 Feb  4 23:43 corstocart
drwx------ 4 test       test       4096 Feb  4 23:15 test
[root@corsto2 logs]# ls /home/corstocart -l
total 4
drwxrwxr-x 2 corstocart corstocart 4096 Feb  4 23:43 public_html
[root@corsto2 logs]# ls /home/corstocart/public_html -l
total 4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 corstocart corstocart 10 Feb  4 23:43 index.html
Where should I be looking at as I suspect this is a permissions issue?


LiteSpeed Staff
drwx------ 5 corstocart corstocart 4096 Feb  4 23:43 corstocart
only user corstocart can access . need to update permission to allow nobody user access that directory, Are you using any control panel.
I am not using any control panel.
I've changed the permission to 711 which gets rid of the 404 issue and the site is viewable.
But as the php script isn't running as the user corstocart I get permission issues when trying to write caches to folders.
I don't really want to open up the permissions all over the place for nobody to read it as that would lead to a security risk wouldn't it?


Staff member
If it is a dedicated server, then may not be a big problem. If you run you PHP as nobody, you should give it access to your all files under document root or you can simply configure PHP to run as SueEXEC as user.