Errors on cpanel after activation lscache

I am seeing a lot of:
Failed to create cache root directory: lscache

in logs after I enabled caching following on a cpanel/WHM server by running the script at

Is this expected behavor? This created

<IfModule Litespeed>
CacheRoot lscache

Second Is this set up preferable over just adding

<IfModule Litespeed>
CacheRoot /home/lscache/

server wide?

Jon K

Staff member
Both are needed. lscache_vhosts.conf and pre_main_global.conf. pre_main_global.conf will setup cache to be served. Then lscache_vhosts sets where each user's cache dir is to be setup. This way there is no conflict by using my main directory. If this is WHM server you can actually set it up in our WHM Plugin as well. A bit less hassle.
Does this mean 'Failed to create cache root directory: lscache' is ignorable? And if I were to fix this error what folder needs to be created? Is it ~username/lscache ?