few questions

Just got a few questions, I ordered the install option, however want to know these for future.

1. Can you give me a link to where the downloads are found? Because I found http://www.litespeedtech.com/products/webserver/download/ however I cant see the difference between the different CPU core versions.

2. How do I obtain my license information? eg. license key. As when I get my new host they will be installing this for me, and ill need to provide this info to them.



LiteSpeed Staff
the CPU core is control by license key, use the same binary.
You can get your license.key and serial.no under /opt/lsws/conf directory.
Reply from my host
As i have told you in the ticket you have open with us we need a new
license for this server as importing the one you have does not work.
You will find attached the Lince key request if you want to go this way,
or you can create a new license for this server and when the move is done
you could close the older license.
Is there a reason why they can not transfer my license to the new server.

What is the best process to transfer the license to the new server?