Help I have question

Is there any difference between these two codes, i'm using jad joubrans learn javascript and they said "returns first 10 chars followed by ellipsis for long strings getDescription("Welcome to JavaScript"): expected 'Welcome to JavaScript...' to equal 'Welcome to...' returns original string when it receives a short string" both these codes fulfil the same purpose

Code 1(their code): /**

@param {string} text */ export function getDescription(text) { console.log(text); // write something in the BROWSER and see it in the console if (text.length>10) {return text.substring(0,10) + "...";} return text }

code 2(my code): /**

@param {string} text */ export function getDescription(text) { console.log(text); // write something in the BROWSER and see it in the console if (text.length>10) {return text + "...";} return text }

I dont get why they wouldnt accept my code when the only difference is the substring()