LiteMage cache on Magento Enterprise


Well-Known Member
we are considering testing on a brand new installation in a dev box.. tks for the info..

I am doing some reading on the ESI as it might be very helpful for other than magento apps we have that requires some parts to be dynamic


LiteSpeed Staff
From what we knew, Magento EE has the same hooking points as CE, thus our Cache should work with both EE and CE.

However, we have not get a chance to deploy LiteMage to a Magento EE real-world site yet. So, there could be small glitches here and there with EE platform, we will fix them once discovered.

That's great that you have a dev box, our developer can help you with the deployment.


Well-Known Member
I will make sure to share if there are any changes that need to be made in the extension for EE, .. we are going to test the new Mage Ent 1.14.2 .. they claim to have a 40% faster Mage than previews version. even like that magento + 40% faster is a slow app -_-

it can really use a nice external cache layer such as your solution.