Hi, I'm trying to use LiteSpeed to generate x-mixed-replace content via a FastCGI responder.
Using `strace(1)', I can see that my application is sending the response to LSWS and flushing completely. However, LSWS is not flushing the response to the client as the individual parts are received.
Note: the response I am sending to LSWS has been piped through "cat -vent" to show the control characters used.
Using `strace(1)', I can see that my application is sending the response to LSWS and flushing completely. However, LSWS is not flushing the response to the client as the individual parts are received.
Note: the response I am sending to LSWS has been piped through "cat -vent" to show the control characters used.
1 HTTP/1.0 200 OK^M$
2 Expires: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 01:23:49 GMT^M$
3 Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 01:33:49 GMT^M$
4 Pragma: no-cache^M$
5 Server: your mum (ports always open)^M$
6 Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=OOK^M$
7 ^M$
8 ^M$
9 --OOK^M$
10 Content-Type: text/html^M$
11 ^M$
12 Hello, world! This is response number 1$
13 ^M$
14 --OOK^M$
15 Content-Type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=OOK^M$
16 ^M$
17 Hello, world! This is response number 2$
18 ^M$
19 --OOK^M$
20 Content-Type: text/html^M$
21 ^M$
22 Hello, world! This is response number 3$
23 ^M$
24 --OOK^M$
25 Content-Type: text/html^M$
26 ^M$
27 Goodbye, cruel world!$