Per client throttling


Well-Known Member
I setup a server soley for downloads of video files, ranging from 100Mb - 300Mb. Want to allow 5 sessions per IP from download accelerators. Without taking into account the server specs, what is the recommended settings?

Static Requests/second: 5
Connection Soft Limit: 2
Connection Hard LImit: 5
Grace period: 15
Banned period: 30

Sometimes, it allows me to open more than 5 connections and at times, I can only open 2. :confused: Please advise. :)


LiteSpeed Staff
Those limits is for anti-DDoS, not for limiting the number of connection, if you want to limit the number of connection per IP to the exact number, you should configure it at firewall level with iptables.

Those LiteSpeed configuration should be high enough not to affect normal usage, otherwise, that IP will be banned once the limit has been reached. With your configuration, if there are more than 2 connection opened for 15 seconds from one IP, that IP will be banned for 30 seconds.

I recommend something like below

Static Requests/second: 5 to 20
Connection Soft Limit: 5 maybe 10
Connection Hard LImit: 15 to 20
Grace period: 15
Banned period: 30