PHP suEXEC not working


I'm using LSWS native 5.4.7 and I'm not able to configure PHP suEXEC (I'm not using Using Apache Configuration File)

Here's what I have done:

Virtual Host Document Root: $VH_ROOT/html/wordpress/

Configuration => Virtual Host
Basic tab: External App Set UID Mode => Docroot UID
suEXEC User: webuser
suEXEC Group: webuser

External App:
Add new with unique name: lsphp74-himax
Address: uds://tmp/lshttpd/lsphp74-himax.sock
Run As User: webuser
Run As Group: webuser

Script handler:
Suffixes: php / LiteSpeed SAPI / [VHost Level]: lsphp74-himax
Suffixes: php5 / LiteSpeed SAPI / [VHost Level]: lsphp74-himax

sudo chown -R webuser:webuser /usr/local/lsws/HIMAX/html/wordpress

[root@himaxweb webuser]# ps aux | grep lsphp
root 11446 0.0 0.0 12108 1072 pts/0 R+ 14:06 0:00 grep --color=auto lsphp

[root@himaxweb webuser]# ll /tmp/lshttpd/
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root nobody 6 Apr 23 14:04
drwxr-x--x. 18 nobody nobody 4096 Apr 23 12:14 swap

As seen:
1) /tmp/lshttpd/lsphp74-himax.sock was not created even though webuser has full access to the path (I can create files with the webuser). Also, I tried to change Address to be: Address: uds://home/webuser/lsphp74-himax.sock
2) I enabled DEBUGS and there's no errors, nothing.

Now if I revert
sudo chown -R nobody:nobody /usr/local/lsws/HIMAX/html/wordpress

Try again to access the website:
2020-04-23 14:10:04.517633 DEBUG [11494] [VHost:_AdminVHost] Enable AIO for Access Logging!
2020-04-23 14:10:04.517664 NOTICE [11494] [Child: 11494] Setup swapping space...
2020-04-23 14:10:04.517690 DEBUG [11494] try to give up super user privilege!
2020-04-23 14:10:04.517700 NOTICE [11494] Successfully change current user to nobody < =====

[root@himaxweb webuser]# ll /tmp/lshttpd/
total 8
srwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nobody 0 Apr 23 14:10 admin_php5.sock
-rw-r--r-- 1 root nobody 6 Apr 23 14:10
srwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nobody 0 Apr 23 14:10 lsphp74-himax.sock <========
drwxr-x--x. 18 nobody nobody 4096 Apr 23 12:14 swap

[root@himaxweb webuser]# ps aux | grep lsphp
nobody 11516 0.0 1.6 357264 31840 ? S 14:10 0:00 lsphp
nobody 11518 7.4 6.1 492768 115292 ? Ss 14:10 0:02 lsphp
nobody 11522 1.6 4.5 469768 85768 ? Ss 14:10 0:00 lsphp
nobody 11526 4.0 5.2 413664 97884 ? Ss 14:10 0:01 lsphp
root 11538 0.0 0.0 12108 980 pts/0 R+ 14:11 0:00 grep --color=auto lsphp

As seen above:
1) .sock is properly created
2) lsphp runs as nobody

Could you please let me know what I'm missing so PHP suEXEC work fine?

Thank you,
Best Regards


the issue has been resolved.

just made minimal change:
/usr/local/lsws/HIMAX/html/wordpress>ls -ald
drwxr-x---. 6 nobody nobody 4096 Apr 23 16:43 .
/usr/local/lsws/HIMAX/html/wordpress>chown webuser . ; date
Fri Apr 24 20:02:26 CST 2020
/usr/local/lsws/HIMAX/html/wordpress>ls -ald
drwxr-x---. 6 webuser nobody 4096 Apr 23 16:43 .
then lsphp running as webuser:nobdoy

the original settings looks no problem. not sure above minor change has made it working as expected.

please note:
since litespeed process running as nobody, the document root should allow nobody to access.
if document root with following owner/group/permission:
/usr/local/lsws/HIMAX/html/wordpress>ls -ald
drwxr-x---. 6 webuser webuser 4096 Apr 23 16:43 .
nobody user can't enter this directory and serve any static/dynamic pages.