Problem with Magento with 2 accounts in same server


I have 2 Magento accounts in a same server with the license (Web Host Essential + LiteMage Standard + LSCache)

In the account 1 works perfectly

Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 11.36.43 AM.png
Response headers

Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 11.39.25 AM.png

But in the account 2 not works LiteMage Cached Objects and the headers are differently

Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 11.37.02 AM.png
Response headers

Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 11.41.30 AM.png

Thanks for your help

I have solved the problem... i have a cacheable="false" in default.xml .. thanks
Here, cacheable="false" from default.xml will prevent Magento from caching no matter which caching method is selected. Any page containing this block will be non-cacheable. If you see that layout/default.xml contains cacheable="false", then all pages on your Magento site will be considered non-cacheable.