[Resolved] LiteSpeed Server Stats

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I saw the article about using serverstats on litespeed, I installed it using the script mentioned here:


The only issue is that the script appears not to work with PHP 7 because I get an error that "Unable to read imagefile in {MYPATH}/ls_stats/update.php and ensured all the permissions are correct. Unless I am missing something else I dont see how to get it to work with php7.

Is there any other tools that are recommended for use with Litespeed?


yes, ls_stats/update.php should not work with php 7 but work with php 5.

just install lsphp5 for example lsphp56, then run update.php in cron job,
/usr/local/lsws/lsphp56/bin/lsphp {MYPATH}/ls_stats/update.php

will work well.
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Still doesnt work. Are there any dependencies on any image frameworks? I verified that I can run the command from the command line and it doesnt report any errors, yet still no pictures.


1. have you run
#yum install rrdtool

2. how do you show pictures ?

I did local tests, the URL is http://x.x.x.x/ls_stats/index.php, with php 7.1, pictures show as expected.
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