Server Load Low - Litespeed slow


Well-Known Member
Hi, I need some advice. I received 100.000 (100k) unique/hour, serving static files (text files) using PHP calling the txt file using ajax refreshed with 60 seconds intervals.

Server load was quite stable 1.2-2.0, and iowait was quite good bellow 10% utilization. However litespeed seems to be very slow on it.

Running Litespeed 3.3.18 enterprise (two CPU license), RHEL 5.2 32 bit with PEA Kernel to support 8GB RAM.

On this server

Dual Processor Quad Core Xeon 5430 - 2.66GHz
RAID 1 15k RPM 147GB HDD (Just for web)

Max Connections = 9000
Max Keep-Alive Requests = 4500
Connection Timeout (secs) = 50s

lsphp5 setting

Max Connections = 80
Initial Request Timeout (secs) = 60s
Memory Soft Limit (bytes) = 350
Memory Hard Limit (bytes) = 400
Process Soft Limit =200
Process Hard Limit = 200

MRTG Reported the bandwidth uses 50Mbps average and our public port is 100Mbps

Please give me some pointer on improving this.
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