stderr.log - Errors and warnings


Well-Known Member
When checking stderr.log on all servers I see a couple of warnings/errors on some of them:
1. [STDERR] Unable to create lock file:  Disk quota exceeded
Failed to start up concurrent users module!

2. lsphp master: worker is killed by SEGV signal - increase PMEM limit

3. [STDERR] sh: host: command not found

4. [STDERR] 403 (Forbidden): 403 Forbidden
Executing in an invalid environment for the supplied user at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/CGI/ line 157.

5. [STDERR] libpng warning: Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image

6. [STDERR] Failed loading /usr/local/IonCube/  /usr/local/IonCube/ undefined symbol: php_body_write

7. [STDERR] Zend Guard Loader requires Zend Engine API version 220090626.
The Zend Engine API version 220100525 which is installed, is newer.
Contact Zend Technologies at for a later version of Zend Guard Loader.

8. [STDERR] Unable to flush stdout: Broken pipeFailed loading /opt/ioncube/  /opt/ioncube/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

9. [STDERR] zend_mm_heap corrupted

10. [STDERR] Unable to flush stdout: Broken pipezend_mm_heap corrupted

11. [STDERR] mmap() failed: [12] Cannot allocate memory

12. [STDERR] Unable to flush stdout: Broken pipe

13. [STDERR] (DEBUG) lscgid:449136 Line #186 CRIU initial start = 20
Maybee you could give me some suggestions on how to check some of these and fix them?
I guess it can help others searching for the same aswell.
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Well-Known Member
This is different warnings/errors on around 20 servers, I just picked a line from servers that gives these and was wondering if you could give some points on where to look.
And no, disk space/quota is not a issue on any servers.


Staff member

If they are different issues, may just try the hints from them. Most of them are PHP issues, either missing some module (, or need to increate PHP memory limit, or other issue. the only one seems related to LSWS web server is
[STDERR] (DEBUG) lscgid:449136 Line #186 CRIU initial start = 20, it tell you CRIU related, Any issue for CRIU?