suPHP or "nobody"?


Active Member
Hi folks,

I will run a couple of mid-traffic websites which I all own.

I'm interested in SPEED and page-loading time.

Will suPHP load slower than running LiteSpeed on "nobody"?

Yes, I know that running on "nobody" is not the most secure thing on the world, but I own all the websites so this is not a real "thread" for me.

Again, the most important thing is speed/page-loading time. Which one should I choose?



Well-Known Member
suPHP is slower since PHP is running in CGI mode (php process gets spawned on every user request). However, there is no suPHP support in LiteSpeed per se. However, LiteSpeed supports PHP suEXEC without compromises of phpsuexec or suphp implementations. IOW, every PHP process is run as the user who owns the account, dividing resource usage for easy identification, as well as greater separation from the web server (lshttpd) processes.

When run LiteSpeed in dedicated nobody (aka PHP suEXEC -> off), LSPHP should achieve maximum performance. Plus, opcode cache (such as xCache, APC, eAccelerator) can be leveraged to speed up performance further.

That said, you should choose dedicated mode (Admin Console -> Configuration -> Server -> General -> Using Apache Configuration File -> PHP suEXEC = No).


Active Member
Thanks webizen for your reply! I'll stick to "nobody" for this specific server but, for other configs, I'll go with suEXEC.

Now, I've tried to ACTIVATE suEXEC (Using Apache Config File -> suEXEC = Yes), restarted lsws but...the processes are still running under "nobody". Shouldn't it run as the user?

Please note that I'm NOT using any "apache imports" or any other "apache related things". It's a CentOS 5.5 Minimal, just with LiteSpeed + MySQL + BIND installed. I've made the configs exclusively from the LiteSpeed admin GUI.


I've tried to ACTIVATE suEXEC (Using Apache Config File -> suEXEC = Yes), restarted lsws
please use
Admin Console -> Configuration -> Server -> General -> Using Apache Configuration File -> PHP suEXEC = Yes


sorry, my last post was mistaken.

suExec usually enables with severs+control panel(cPanel,Plesk,directAdmin etc) when select:
Load Apache Configuration:Yes

if not load apache configuration file, all other options under 'Using Apache Configuration File' including 'PHP suEXEC' will be ignored.


Active Member
In that case how can I run a fresh LiteSpeed with suEXEC without any Apache interfering? I suppose it's possible...


then all virtual hosts are configured through admin console(i.e., native configure)?

should be:
admin console->Virtual Hosts->select a vhost->Basic->
ExtApp Set UID Mode: DocRoot UID


tested in our lab, working as expected.

check your vhost document root's user:group
for example, assume

#ls -ald /usr/local/lsws/DEFAULT/html
drwxr-xr-x 28 razva razva 4096 Apr 2 09:30 html

restart lsws, you'll see lsphp5 run as razva:razva