Unexpected Error Encountered! See webcachemgr.log


Well-Known Member

Brand new server, and brand new installation of WP.
Tried installing LS cache plugin trough WHM, but it fails. See screenshot.

Version 5.4.4 build 6 of LS.

Checking log doesn't give much information either:

cat /usr/local/lsws/logs/webcachemgr.log
2020-01-29 10:12:28 [xx-269651] [INFO]  LSCache for WordPress version list updated
2020-01-29 10:14:11 [xx-285225] [INFO]  WPInstallStorage - New installation found: /home/ttesting/public_html/wp
2020-01-29 10:14:27 [xx-285296] [INFO]  Downloading LSCache for WordPress v2.9.9.2...
2020-01-29 10:14:28 [xx-285296] [NOTICE]  Current active LSCWP version is now
2020-01-29 10:14:45 [xx-285474] [ERROR]  /home/ttesting/public_html/wp - <!DOCTYPE html>
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<body id="error-page">
        <div class="wp-die-message"><p>There has been a critical error on your website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.</p><p><a href="https://wordpress.org/support/article/debugging-in-wordpress/">Learn more about debugging in WordPress.</a></p></div></body>
Any ideas?

