Uploads File Problem Switch Litespeed

I'm having a problem with PHP uploads and FTP server uploads. For some reason I can't upload files greater then about 20 MB.

Litespeed Version - 4.1.12

- body size limit is 1G

- max_file_size etc. changing max value.

- i have try to diffrent methods upload file -> swf upload, browser upload, ftp server upload. swf upload and browser upload not working, ftp server upload is working but every 20 sec restart connection

Could not write to transfer socket: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted
226-Error during read from data connection
226 Transfer aborted

I switch apache server and everything working fine.

Does anyone have any settings or ideas for me to try?


I'm sorry that I wrote the wrong section. -> http://www.litespeedtech.com/support/forum/showthread.php?t=4827