WARINING: Request has not been logged into access log, response body sent: 0!

I have update my lsws servers to 2.2.4 from 2.2.2.

Now some time the server report on "Server log" this WARNING:

<<Request has not been logged into access log, response body sent: 0!>>

and after this report there is +1 in column "Requests in Processing" on "Real-Time Server Status Report" that isn't close.
I have some Vhosts with hundred or thousands "Requests in Processing"




LiteSpeed Staff
Sth, the high value of "request in processing" looks to be a problem with our stats book-keeping in the 2.2.3/2.2.4 release which would explain the erroneous webgui output.

The warning message is normal. 2.2.3 introduce a feature where access log entry is not created for an web client that connected but subsequently canceled the request before any response/data can be sent back. Priory to 2.2.3, the request is logged in access log resulting in more-bandwidth used than actually used for clients. The warning log entries are there to notify the web admin this is going on, and also to make sure users don't abuse the feature and DoS the server without any sort of logging.

You can remove the log output but decreasing the log level verbosity.