Website access logs


New Member

A client requested to handle him all the IP addresses which accessed his website. Where can i find LiteSpeed's access logs for each website hosted on the server?

Additionally, where can i change the duration (days,months) of log rotation? The same client requested the logs to be as old as possible so if the default number is not suitable, i'd like to change it.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
A client requested to handle him all the IP addresses which accessed his website. Where can i find LiteSpeed's access logs for each website hosted on the server
If you are using a server control panel then you will find access_logs in this CP.

Additionally, where can i change the duration (days,months) of log rotation? The same client requested the logs to be as old as possible so if the default number is not suitable, i'd like to change it.
If you are using a server control panel then you can set log rotation with this CP.


New Member
Hello, thank you for your reply.

It's LSWS on cPanel and CloudLinuxOS (Almalinux).

Please bare with me, so you suggest i go over to cPanel and get the log from there. Doesn't LSWS log anything itself? cPanel is responsible for LSWS log rotation too?